Community Advocate Nominations

This is a thread for Community Advocate nominations.

Nominating someone as a Community Advocate

  • Only existing community advocates can nominate new ones
  • Nominations are done by posting a nomination in this thread
  • The nomination should be used as an opportunity to recognize and celebrate past contributions of the nominees
  • Nomination should include at least 5 bullet points of specific things being recognized (make it fun)
  • The post should include a poll to approve or disprove the nomination

What is a Community Advocate?

The Community Advocate role is a status role for the most active and dedicated members of the PoolTogether DAO. It is not compensated and does not require any formal responsibilities. The role is meant as an official designation of people who are already recognized as helping the community.

Community Advocates are trusted members of the PoolTogether community that are willing to define and contribute to the community’s values, mission & vision. They help to align those with our community’s wants and feedback and ensure we maintain a wholesome and healthy vibe.

Community Advocates are equipped with server moderator permissions to be able to pursue their duties in helping the community.

The role purely acts as a status incentive and does not come with financial benefits.


The question shouldn’t be why my nomination goes to @underthesea, but how comes underthesea isn’t a Community Advocate already.


Carrying PoolTogether with their skills in analysis, underthesea is always there to back a discussion with the underlying data to help make valuable decisions.

Usually underthesea is quick to respond to any request for help, nonetheless a sea turtle can’t be around all the time. With Pooly, underthesea’s newest addition to our stack of PoolTools, they’ve also got us covered for those occasions.

underthesea is relentlessly advocating for fairness, responsibility, decentralization, inclusion and empowerment and therefor clearly representing values that are most important to our community.


Do you approve to underthesea being a PoolTogether Community Adovcate?
  • Approve
  • Disapprove

0 voters


Thanks for writing this up @Taliskye !

@underthesea you are an amazingly talented leader in the community! I’m very inspired by the way you just keep building and contributing value. I have to say I particularly love the Pooly bot and have found myself using it a LOT! Really happy to see all your contributions being recognized!



If someone should be able to call their-self a Community Advocate, it should definitely be @Taliskye. Taliskye left his first message on the PoolTogether Discord in April 2020, when most of us didn’t even know what DeFi is.


We previously agreed that nominations should include at least 5 bullet points of previous contributions, but it’s absolutely unrealistic to stick to something even close to five when we’re talking about Taliskye. The commitment this individual person has shown to PoolTogether is immense, ongoing and absolutely proven.

Apart from that he’s all over the PoolTogether Discord and Reddit, helped with the Knowledge Base, the drafting of several grants & proposals, partnerships like Rabbithole & Sushiswap, he’s been idealizing & planning multiple projects.

Taliskye is always friendly, helpful, welcoming and wholehearted. The doc he recently shared says it all:

PoolTogether wouldn’t be as it is without him.


Do you approve to Taliskye being a PoolTogether Community Adovcate?
  • Approve
  • Disapprove

0 voters


Really appreciate the kindness and thoughtfulness you bring to the PoolTogether community and the space more generally. You are a good person Taliskye!


Nomination: DaBoom


In times where others complain about price actions @DaBoom just thinks about what he can do to create more fun & community engagement.
This Pooler shows up every day in on Discord just out of the genuine interest in helping others. Check out #help if you don’t believe me. This guy’s got a baby coming and still manages to stay calm in any conversation. That’s true love to the protocol.


  • One of the most helpful helpers of the #help channel.
  • Part of every discussion not just on Discord, but also on the so important governance forum.
  • A true tippooor that actively shared their POOL even before joining the Welcome Wagon
  • Initiator and Showmaster of PoolStreaks
    – DaBoom didn’t just come up with the idea & executed it, but also takes the prizes out of his own pocket!
  • A vivid connectooor: he’s always bringing together ideas of poolers and actively reaching out to make things like the GMN Ad Campaign happen
  • No Loss Pool Trivia Host - first edition coming Sunday!

To me DaBoom is a genuine Advocate of PoolTogether who practices our unwritten values in all of his interactions within the community. His presence and ideas are valuable and meaningful, so I’d like to make it official.


Do you approve to DaBoom being a PoolTogether Community Adovcate?
  • Approve
  • Disapprove

0 voters


DaBoom is a Pooler warrior without a doubt :ocean::trophy::sunglasses:


I agree @DaBoom is a legend! Especially his trivia campaign. We are very lucky to have him.


I’m pleased to see this!


Speechless. Thank you all for the kind words. Thank you Tjark for this. I’m honored to be a part of the protocol with or without the role, we have something special here!


YAS to everything about it


Let’s make it official then!
Thanks for all that you do for the community @DaBoom


Nomination: neken


What do you usually do on a Saturday at 3am? For @kenekenek it’s hanging out on the PoolTogether Community Call & Swim Meet. @kenekenek is a member of the PoolTogether community since April 2021. That’s not just when he joined our Discord server - being a true contributor he also made his first steps on our Governance Forum at that time. Since then @kenekenek has made a long way as a contributor to the protocol and advocate of the community.


  • Our bridge to overcome the language barriers between #中文 and the rest of our Discord server
  • Shows up consistently to our Community Calls, even though they are at 3am for him
  • Busy translatooor: He singlehandedly translated the website, app & 48 articles on Substack
  • He created helpful tutorials & guides for the Chinese speaking community
  • Host of our first of hopefully many Chinese Community Calls
  • Always on the watch for scammers & answering questions in our Telegram group (you didn’t even know this existed, right?)
  • with 1.3k posts read in 200 topics on our governance forum, you could say he knows a thing or two about the protocol
  • And last but not least, he never gets tired of coming up with new ideas on how to improve the protocol

In summary, @kenekenek is an amazing person and contributor. We are lucky to have him in the community and I think he would make a great community representative.


Do you approve to neken being a PoolTogether Community Advocate?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


No brainer. Also, winner of the inaugural season of PoolStreaks!


100% yes. neken is a great example of going above and beyond for a protocol he truly believes in. Happy to have you on board @kenekenek!


Nomination: drcpu


PoolTogether’s humanized supercomputer is a user since v1 and made their first appearance on our Discord and Discourse spaces in February 2021.

Since then @drcpu is a humble voice of this community you don’t hear but read a lot. drcpu delivers the facts to your assumptions and is a true source of data and analysis.

If drcpu doesn’t answer questions from others they ask the most insight-creating ones and shed light on places you never knew existed. This Pooler isn’t just signing off on things - they are creating the discussion.


Without drcpu a lot of informed governance decisions couldn’t have been made and most community tooling wouldn’t have been built. drcpu isn’t just one of the most dedicated devs but people in this community and is a major pillar of its foundation. If you ask me, drpcu should’ve been made a Community Advocate a long time ago.


Do you approve to drcpu being a PoolTogether Community Adovcate?
  • Approve
  • Disapprove

0 voters


Drcpu is one of those elite people that are good with tech but also with ideas.
Fantastic long-time community member.



Full support for making @drcpu a Community Advocate!


Thank you for writing this up Tjark! It’s well deserved on behalf of @drcpu. I know for me personally, the github pages he has created showing all the details of prize distributions have been invaluable to me.


Yep, drcpu is all time.