The purpose of a translation team for Pooltogether is to make the website’s content available to a wider audience by translating it into multiple languages. This is particularly important as Pooltogether caters to a global audience and operates in a multilingual market.
A translation team can also help to improve the user experience for visitors to the website who do not speak the primary language of the website. This is because the translated content will be more accessible and easier for these users to understand, leading to a better overall experience on the website.
This Includes:
Adapting Pooltogether product, services, marketing strategies & policies to an international market tailored to each country/region.
Translating the Pooltogether Website.
Translating the Pooltogether Substack/newsletter.
Helping People speaking different languages with their issues.
Conducting AMA’s in the native languages for the better understanding of the people
Helping with the onboarding process in different languages.
Facilitating Language Threads on Discord.
To accurately translate the website’s content into multiple languages, including text, audio, and video content as applicable.
To ensure that the translated content is culturally appropriate and accurately reflects the meaning and tone of the original content.
To work closely with the website’s content team to ensure that all new content is translated in a timely and accurate manner.
To continually improve the quality and accuracy of the translated content through ongoing training and development of team members.
To help the website reach a wider audience and expand its user base by making the content available in multiple languages and creating sharing contents to other channels created for PoolTogether.
To improve the user experience for visitors to the website who do not speak the primary language of the website.
To establish the website as a reliable and trustworthy source of information by providing high-quality translated content.
Creating 2-3 original content for each members for each different region
Increase at least 3% minimum on discord engagement for local language threads
+5% engagement, followers, course takers for other channels dedicated for PoolTogether like Facebook(Mon) Instagram(Shivansh)
Performance Metrics
Accuracy - Make sure translation on Website and other channels at 100%
Timeliness - Trying to complete the translations as soon as possible
Quality - Creating Quality Contents for channels.such as #thread, substack, and others that are being Handled.
User satisfaction - Keeping an up to date version of slang for people to understand the content.
Team Members
Yearly USD Compensation
Commitment Percentage
Quarterly USDC
Quarterly POOL
Contributor Discord
Language Advocate
Language Advocate
Language Advocate
Language Advocate
Language Advocate
Language Advocate
Implemented Code of Conduct
*open to all past/present/future translators
*contributions of members that may include translations will not be included in general community coordinape
*leadership/sterwardship of language advocate team will be decided on Q1 2023 (#translation station meeting will be set-up Jan. 2023 if possible, this be then presented to council)
Budget Breakdown
Members Compensation
$9150 USDC
Members Compensation
1263.31 POOL
Token Pricing
Show the token prices used for any USD calculations.
First of all, thanks for the proposal. Looking at the Goals, it seems clear that the main objective of the team is to translate the website and newletters to make sure that people from India, Philippines and China can properly understand the content. Apart from that, you also mention management of different social media platforms to increase engagement and creating some original content.
I used to translate both newsletters and the website a few months back. Roughly estimating, it took me around 1 hour to translate one newsletter article and 2 hours to translate website. Nowadays, the frequency of newsletters seems to be around 1 every 3 weeks (the community interview is no longer being produced). Website updates are harder to predict, but based on past experience we could say that it happens once every 2 months.
Therefore, translating the content would roughly take me 3 to 4 hours a month. I understand that translation to Spanish mighe be easier as it is a similar language to English. Therefore we could argue that other languages might take double the time, so up to 8 hours.
When looking at the proposal, I see that a dedication of 40% to 50% is being proposed. Assuming 4 weeks a month, that would be a total dedication of 64 to 80 hours per month. I honestly don’t think that we should dedicate that much time to different social media platforms. Crypto is still a niche community and is concentrated a lot in Twitter and Discord. Given that PoolTogether is not one of the biggest protocols, I am not sure that investing our limited resources in other social media platforms would give the best result for us.
three regions that is the first one the team will try to work on to for Q1, this team will also be open to other contributors who like to be part of the team, everything you mentioned sir is true regarding translation, I just like to add aside from the translations and handling of social accts. we also be adding other activities including Ama’s, Online Course creation using the three language and continues sharing/creating important updates from PoolTogether Discord/Twitter
from creating 1 content ex. a video for about 7-10mins. this usually take upto 45min- 1hr. at minimum this is from my experience handling FB page sir, setting up Ama’s includes background processes like coordinating w/ diff. communities creating visual aid like powerpoint presentation catered for listeners on the call also been considered in team meeting some of the reasons why we came up on that work hours
also this is a fact that almost 80% of blockchain engagement came from this platforms, the language advocates team believes for the protocol to reach a wider audience and expand its user base platforms like the fb page/fb groups, IG, or others for that matter should be considered as a plus for PoolTogether as Protocol/Community to fulfill its Mission and Vision.
I am unable to support this TBR because I believe that the way it was carried out was incorrect.
I have always wanted to contribute to the translation effort but this TBR does not align with the needs and we were not able to provide any feedback or participate in the meeting because the request for the meeting was made at such short notice.
I understand that the TBR includes a salary for three members, but I am concerned that there is no support proposed for the other translators. As a team, we are made up of many translators who speak different languages, and it seems unfair or selfish to only provide support for a few.
I also fellow @BRONDER statement, commitement is way too high
gm sir @Noxe if you think this tbr was incorrect I like to give my appologies to you, hope you understand this the first time contributors from translation team submitted a tbr
I admit this was a short notice reasons behind it was the timeline of submission of the tbr are until today I think, I suggested the meeting to the team yesterday because as I read the tbr submitted by other teams around 16:00 PH time theres been some changes made so decided to call for a meeting asap.
The Tbr though can be change together with everyone if we only have more time to think w/c is better options, also we would like to present this team as Language Advocate still tranlations will be one of its work and other campaigns w/c was mentioned on the tbr, and anyone can also join
Thank you for everyone here who has been working to make PT a globally successful protocol.
I’m curious why is this proposal coming forward so late in the timing of TBRs? It would be really helpful to everyone in the process if we had discussed this team’s proposal with the other teams over the course of this month.
I think what you are proposing to do is important and do think a team makes more sense than a general community Coordinape. However, I think it’s imperative that this team is open to all translators. I also think based on BRONDER’s comments that the budget is too high.
I recommend a Coordinape circle for the quarter specifically for the Language Advocate Team. I would not be comfortable with more than half of the budget presented - $10k for the circle. While the community Coordinape has not been great it has kept this work going. I believe $10k for the quarter would be a big increase in effective spending for these efforts and that Coordinape provides a place to grow the work into more than just translations as described in this proposal.
In our current situation it’s my perspective that teams should prove themselves valuable to the protocol. Start with a lower funding request and make waves with your 1st quarter of work and you can come back with a much stronger case for funding that we know will grow the protocol.
gm ser @underthesea thank you for this feedback… I suggested the last minute meeting from translation team, Q4 2022 Language Advocate three members showed high interest to be part of the team (also same individuals who wrote this TBR request) upon reading to the TBR that been submitted for Q1-2023 changes have been made so I ask for contributors on translation team to also create and submit this TBR and thy came
I really appreciate this feedback from you Sir and I also suggested to the team member to proceed moving forward in this direction, this is at best than having no directions at all Thank You
Thanks for submitting a TBR @Mon! We want more people to get involved so this is a great start.
It’s too bad the timezones don’t work for you to join the Council calls, because it’s in those meetings that we hammer on each other’s TBRs and work out the details before posting RFCs. Bear with us while we all give you feedback in this thread
What I’d like to see from this proposal is a clear list of deliverables / goals. The current goals belong in the Purpose section because they are very broad and speak to the intent of the team, but less about how are you going to measurably get there.
This is the number one critical thing we need for Metrics / Goals: measurabiility. What you list under goals should be specifically measurable, whether it’s improvement to a specific metric or specific deliverables.
Your Milestones section includes a few items, but I’d like to see more detail. I also don’t agree with some of them!
Creating 2-3 original content for each members for each different region
Which regions? Why those regions? Which content?
Increase at least 3% minimum on discord engagement for local language threads
Which local language threads? How is engagement measured? What is its current value?
+5% engagement, followers, course takers for other channels dedicated for PoolTogether like Facebook(Mon) Instagram(Shivansh)
I don’t understand how we can improve engagement by 5% when we don’t even have an instagram profile? Nor do I think we need one. appears to be a crypto courses site; are you saying you would make crypto courses? That site is in English, so perhaps this belongs on a separate marketing / community / content team?
Overall, I’d like to see a stronger focus. The goals of this group feel ill-defined; I’m not sure if you’re creating new content or translating existing content, which languages we’re talking about, and whether the channels you want to go through have value.
gm ser @Brendan thank you for your feedback… If theres a chance to join on your meetings I would love to join and be taking notes on council’s advice that will make this proposal better
we have done the some edits from the original proposal couple or more wont be a prob.
which regions?
for now we have three interested advocates chinese, hindi, and filipino other translator will be invited to join if they agree to work on everything that was written here, hoping to add more like french,spanish,germany and others
why those region?
this a good question ser , the three members already shown additional efforts in terms contributing like for @kenekenek doing chinese Ama on discord(11) @Shivansh also an Irl Ama on SRM University(India) and we also had same activities for fil. too… also I think this regions have high % in terms crypto adoption for 2022(as for surveys says an example)… these question I think should be included on onboarding process
which content?
contents will be members option on w/c they think best for there communities can be on written substack, video using local language it can be both or others that is aligned w/ PT roadmap/strategies
we have an unofficial i.g ser created by @Shivansh +5% will be on content uploads, and followers same for fb, having this additional channels will add value in terms of onboarding new users theres still some that uses IG to browse NFT’s games, contents related crypto that are not familiar w/ Defi especially now that twitter removing links sharing w/ its platform
we have 1 intro to pooltogether course(, the plan is make translations share to diff. channels where most engagement happen per specific region, there’s also non-english native courses on 101 sir ex.
I think the language translation services are incredibly valuable. There are a few factors I have when considering this proposal:
Language translation should be matched against demand for a language.
With the above said, there is likely a chicken-egg problem here. We won’t see demand for a language until we offer services in it
The biggest value is having the website translated, after that I think offering support and some marketing / onboarding type services. I do not think there should be 1:1 goal (i.e. I do not think everything we have in English needs to be translated)
So with those three factors in mind, I am interested to see how much demand for a language can expand when there is dedicated resources put towards it. However, I also think how much demand will actually be unlocked is a big unknown and that makes it hard to quantify what the budget should be. So I’d support trying to figure out how to either make this budget more flexible to respond to if demand is less than expected (i.e. maybe the whole budget doesn’t get used and it gets rolled over) or perhaps reducing the initial scope until we have a better answer to that question.
thanks for you feedback ser @Leighton, aside for translating website we included that a member will be helping grow audience on language threads in discord w/ those invites we will then do everything we can to convert those into a pooler, as of now the translators contributing in ways without goal or plan on what to do next after the site or substack has been translated, forming this team means adding additional set of contributors that is bound w/ PoolTogether Roadmap/Strategies w/ goals same as an OG Pooler, regarding the budget sure it will be rolled over if not been used, for onboarding campaigns we will not plan on it for we know Edu./Onboarding team spearheading on those type of activities
agree w/ this ser… we’re hoping to complete the line of team asap before 3rd week 2023 together we will decide on w/c should we prioritized aside for the site of course, (if this tbr passed through)