The community team is responsible for stewarding, instilling, and nurturing the culture and contributors around the protocol. Its work ensures the ethos of PoolTogether stays strong as the protocol grows. The team’s areas of focus are:
Identity: Facilitate and foster events, vibes & values
Spaces: Manage & maintain community spaces
Content: Create & promote content such as newsletters, guides, articles, and user documentation
Engagement: Empower community members to take ownership & help grow PoolTogether
Relationships: Cultivate trust, coordinate actions, and collaborate for change
PoolTogether is perceived as the most wholesome, welcoming, and secure community in DeFi.
Maintain a strong and engaged community.
Shape community-first vibes through events, bounties & other fun activities
Promote the PoolTogether values and nurture our community identity
Ensure the community is a safe space for its members
Bootstrap a community-led events program
Conduct audit for community spaces
Conduct DAO-Health Survey
Performance Metrics: DAO Health Survey results, number of events, grow # of event participants by 5-10%, Community growth (Discord Members) – Grow community sustainably by 2%
Increase the level of ownership taken by protocol contributors through Community Experience.
Increase transparency & awareness of key community activities
Create entry points for contributors to play a role in growing the protocol
Spotlight contributors and their work
Revamp onboarding calls
Performance Metrics: Number of Coordinape members & teams, unique voters, number of members who made their first contribution
Increase awareness & affinity for savings, the no loss spirit, and PoolTogether’s role in Decentralized Finance.
Be a reliable news source around the PoolTogether protocol and its closer ecosystem
Create educational content around PoolTogether, & savings: visuals, explainers, and videos
Actively work on creating spaces for cross-community activities in an effort to unite communities
Performance Metrics: Content reach (Recipients, Open Rate, Click-throughs) – Grow reach by 10%, maintain an open rate ≥18-20%, facilitate at least one cross-community opportunity
Improve coordination, mutual learning, and flow of resources and information
Host meetings & workshops to share and apply our learnings
Create playbooks to garner and share best practices
Maintain spaces for knowledge exchange
Performance Metrics: Built Context (Number of created/updated documents, formalized processes), host at least 3 workshops, deliver a Community Dashboard
Here is an overview of current projects the community team is working on to achieve these goals.
The following metrics will be used to measure the team’s success:
Baseline Data (as of 30. September 2022)
Discord members
# of members who made their first contribution
not tracked
Token holders (>1 POOL)
# (%) of holders verified on Discord
443 (x%)
Twitter followers
Lens followers
Mirror subscribers
Substack subscribers
Events (#, month)
Teams (#)
Coordinape Contributors (#)
Requested Amount
Budget Breakdown
Team Members
Yearly USD Compensation
Commitment Percentage
Quarterly USDC
Quarterly POOL
Contributor Discord
Community Builder
Coordinape Manager
Language Advocate
Open Role
Language Advocate
Open Role
In case the budget request is accepted the Community Team will offer two open positions.
Note: PoolTogether Inc currently covers the USDC compensation for the Community Builder position for this quarter.
Team Expenses
31,579 POOL
Bounties & Contests
1,500 POOL
Merch & Incentives
1,500 USDC
Delegation Budget
100,000 PTaOptUSDC
The Coordinape budget is capped at $10,000 worth of POOL per month. $400 per active circle member is being distributed per month. Any leftover funds will roll over into the next quarter.
The Executive Team should hold custody of the Delegation budget. This budget is not intended to be spent but to be used as contributor incentives and contest rewards via the PoolTogether delegation feature. A member of the Community Team will serve as a representative and provide a quarterly report on how the delegation budget has been used.
All the funds not used at the end of the quarter will be rolled over to the next quarter in case the team gets approved. If it is not, all unused funds will be returned to the PoolTogether treasury.
Note: Token prices at time of budget request are used for standardization. For simplicity the relevant token prices are provided below.
Thanks for showing interest in the open positions @kenekenek@Mon!
Regards requirements:
The Language Advocate position supports the Purpose and Goals of the Community Team by applying them to a dedicated part of the community that is otherwise disconnected through language or cultural barriers.
The position intends to equip contributors with the necessary tools to grow and engage with parts of our community that are non-native to English. This includes helping out others, moderating the native Discord-channel(s), building campaigns, hosting events, and similar community-building exercises.
The position is currently budgeted as part-time (20%). Wondering what your thoughts are there?
2HR Translation newsletter & important announcement
2HR Translation interview
2HR Hosting weekly Chinese community call
8hr+ A day ( from Monday to Sunday) in #help and #Chinese channel as a moderator/ helper/ supporter. ( Because I am in the +8 time zone, this allows Discord to have 24-hour customer service)
I can participate in the Chinese twitter space, Podcast, if invited. irl event ( ex. ethdever token 2049, nftnyc,If the travel expenses can be reimbursed.
If Pooltogether can find someone willing to come to podcast, I can also record a weekly Chinese Podcast.
If there is anything else you want me to do, please feel free to suggest
I can work part-time or full time, depending upon the requirements. Do let me know if the position is open and if any specific qualifications are needed.
Thanks to everyone for showing interest in the open positions so far!
Just to clarify on the timeline here. The budget request is currently still in the “Request for Comments” phase. This is to determine if the community of token holders agrees with the specifications and details of the proposal. The TBR will go to on-chain voting on Oct 18th.
If the request gets voted for in governance, there will be an official call for applications followed by an interview phase.
I’ll pencil you down and reach out when it’s time @Mon@kenekenek@Shivansh
Understood, so that means If the community and or teams DIDN’T agree with this version then NOW would be the time to speak up and or propose an edit? (Not me, but people already on teams I assume)
If this is the “Request for Comments” phase, how many other Phases are there? and/or Is there a resource to review this structure in its entirety?
It’s always the best time to speak up! Anyone can comment, give feedback, propose changes, or ask questions to clarify. The governance forum is generally the best place for it.
RFC is the pre-stage for an on-chain proposal. After that, we move to a finalized proposal and vote.
Until now, on-chain proposals usually came in the form of a PTIP (PoolTogether improvement proposal), a template for submitting proposed updates to the protocol. Team Budget Requests (TBR) are new, and we are using this process for the first time. It’s a template for requesting funding for “teams” to work in the protocol ecosystem. The current TBRs are scheduled to go on-chain for voting on Oct 18th.
Once a proposal is live, the process is as follows:
The Community Team will be. It’s the job of every team to identify and collect the relevant metrics.
Bear in mind that these positions are only part-time and add up to less than a full-time position.
I personally believe that cross-functionality can be beneficial for the protocol. @Lonser was doing the work previously so it seemed natural to keep him on.
For the compensation, it’s important to factor in the commitment percentage (100% = full-time). The yearly USDC compensation is what a team member would earn on a 100% commitment percentage.
The breakdown between USDC and POOL is based on the PoolTogether Compensation Formula
The Community Team will be. It’s the job of every team to identify and collect the relevant metrics.
I really think this is not the best option. I’ts kinda what we are already doing since a while and no one is really taking any responsability for anything?
I beileive we need someone to take responsability for metrics and if they are achieved. I understand this is hard for some team but the responsable will have to learn a bit.
What you’re asking for is Team oversight and accountability, which amounts to:
someone having knowledge of each Team’s goals and the actual progress they’ve made
someone having the ability to withhold funding to ensure a Team meets its goals
We can boil these two points down to knowledge and control.
We achieved the knowledge portion by creating the Council. The Council was established to improve communication and coordination across the teams. As a consequence, Teams have greater insight into the progress of other Teams. The Council is the hive mind that has deep insight.
Control is more challenging; no one wanted to have a central “committee” that had explicit voting power to veto / pass TBRs. However we decided this wasn’t a big issue, because Team members will hold a significant amount of voting power. The Council will have knowledge of each Team’s actual performance, and council members can vote using their knowledge. Members of the council can also voice their opinions as to whether a Team is doing its job, so they may provide thought leadership.
Hey, long time crypto community manager and formet social media manager for spiritswap here! I would like to assist you guys with your language advocate positions for the Turkish language if possible <3