About the 🤝 Partnerships category

This category is for discussion around potential cooperations with other projects or organizations.

You can use it as a place to reach out to the various contributors of PoolTogether.

When creating a topic, consider defining benefits of those partnerships as well as presenting short & long-term plans.

Hey yo King :heart::heart:
Good day :blush::blush: I have a partnership proposal from Ultrade organization to offer for your project on Dex

All about ULTRADE.org that has the world’s first native cross-chain limit orderbook dex supporting 12+ chains. Ultrade is built to provide DeFi-as-a-Service, enabling any 3rd party to spin up a branded customizable native crosschain orderbook DEX in minutes using Ultrade’s white-label, “no-code” infrastructure. Ultrade allows anyone, anywhere, to trade cross chain, create bespoke DEXs, and self-list coins for trading within minutes, with a shared and unified cross-chain liquidity network.

This explains everything you need to know about us…
For more and better explanations with them I can bring you on bud with them to discuss more about what we offer

Dear Tjark

I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to you on behalf of Swan Chain, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution designed to innovate in the realm of decentralized computing. Our network stands at the forefront of Web3 Storage and Computing, supported by strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as Filecoin, IPFS , Chainlink, Polygon,Abyss World, SAO Network, Apus Network, exaBITS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Startups Cloud Program.

In addition to our robust network alliances, Swan Chain has garnered the backing of prominent investors including Binance Labs, Chainlink Labs, SNZ Holding, Outlier Ventures, and Chain Capital.

We are pleased to announce the upcoming launch of our Swan Saturn Testnet, slated for January 2024, and would like to extend an invitation for your esteemed participation.

Why Engage with the Swan Saturn Testnet?

Early Access to Advanced Technology: Gain firsthand experience with Swan Chain’s pioneering technology and contribute valuable insights towards its refinement.

Community Building: Enhance your project’s developer community engagement through integration with Swan Chain.

Increased Visibility: Benefit from our extensive network to augment your project’s exposure and audience reach.

Collaborative Opportunities and Incentives:

Co-branded Initiatives: Engage in mutually beneficial campaigns such as DApp hackathons and creative contests, backed by a substantial prize pool in SWAN tokens (amount specified upon discussion).

Cross-promotional Rewards: Participate in activities spanning across platforms to earn SWAN tokens, incentivizing transactions and referrals.

Joint Educational Ventures: Collaborate in creating webinars, tutorials, and AMAs, enhancing knowledge across both communities while earning SWAN token rewards.

Discover more about Swan Chain and its initiatives:

Website: https://www.swanchain.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/swan_chain

We are keen to discuss this collaboration opportunity with you. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed conversation about how we can align our efforts for mutual benefit.

Warm regards,
Swan Chain Team