[RFC V2] PTBR-14: Pooltime

[RFC V2] PTBR-14: Pooltime

Start Date Jan 1st, 2024
Duration of work 3 months
Budget $65,000 (-20,000 $POOL)


Presenting the community with a revised proposal for a Pooltime Q1 PTBR with the request for comments.


This Request for Comments is a follow-up on our first RFC here. We are grateful for all the feedback we have received and confident that this updated version proves our dedication to PoolTogether.

The bottom line of most feedback was that the budget was too high (relative to previous quarters and treasury holdings), people were unsure about what the individual team member’s responsibilities were, it was suggested to split deliverables into costs, and some people were against doing quests. With this revised PTBR we are doing our best to accommodate the feedback we’ve received.

Changes to this PTBR:

  • Reducing the budget: We are reducing costs in observance of the treasury runway and the primary protocol deployment being on hold. The team takes a cut in compensation, and Darby and Lonser will move to part-time positions.
  • Quests: We’ve removed the budget for quests. The execution would most likely fall into early Q2, but prep work is necessary to guarantee impact.
  • Content Booster: The content booster program will be paused and improved until redeployment.
  • Transparency & responsibilities: We have created a thread to provide additional information about the team and its members, its purpose, values, and ongoing responsibilities: Pooltime Team Description & Updates. This PTBR has a focus on milestones, deliverables, and goals.
  • Breakdown of costs: You can find a breakdown of costs at the bottom for some more insight into how much of our budget goes towards each of our activities.

Team Members

  • Tjark (Community Builder & Content Creator)
  • underthesea (Developer & Community Builder)
  • darby (BD & Content Creator)
  • Lonser (Allround Support)
  • Learn more

Scope of Work


We need all stars to align for the relaunch of the V5 vaults. Pooltime will do the legwork necessary to manage communications, set up marketing & growth campaigns, create educational content, and provide the PoolTogether community with the necessary spaces to collaborate.


We aim to give the PoolTogether community a voice and amplify it to the maximum. PoolTogether V5 offers many opportunities to talk about in 2024 - we are ensuring the message gets across.

The infrastructure we create allows anyone to get more out of PoolTogether and easily access crucial core functions and data of the protocol.

Milestones & Deliverables


  1. This overview solely displays our milestones and deliverables. Please consider checking the Pooltime Team Description for all the ongoing and additional work we do.
  2. We are dedicated to finishing and delivering these items at no extra costs, even if they happen to fall outside of Q1.

KPI & Evaluation Metrics

  • Total depositors: Increase active depositors by 100% one month after relaunch
  • Bot operators: Onboard 2 or more bot operators
  • Partnerships: Engage in at least 3 publicly communicated partnerships
  • Views on X: >60,000 views on our content on X
  • Newsletter reads: >4200 reads on our Q1 newsletters
  • Social Audience: Sustain a social audience at around 70k
  • Direct or indirect participation in projects of other fields of contribution
  • Perceived improvements in operations of PoolTogether due to our participation in them
  • Feedback from other contributors, community members, and partners
  • Individual users: drive 7500 new users to PoolTogether V5 through quests & collaborations (Optional & after relaunch)


Category Value
Community Building $10,000
Content Creation $5,000
Social Media Management $10,000
Development $20,000
Growth $12,500
Community Care Work $7,500
Sub-Total $65,000
Returning to treasury - 20,000 POOL

In addition to this budget, we manage a delegation budget of 250,000 USDC.e on Optimism for campaigns. The Executive Team is holding custody of this budget.


This forum poll intends to gather consensus. If you are not ready to vote because you still have feedback, please don’t hold back from commenting.

Do you support this Pooltime Budget Request for Q1?
  • For
  • Against (Please comment why)
0 voters

:camera_flash: Snapshot Vote

In case people wish to signal with their tokens!

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I generally support this proposal. Just one small comment. I personally believe that newsletters don’t provide much value to the protocol. I definitely don’t think that it will attract new depositors, and people that read it are usually the ones that are already pretty well informed about what’s going on.

That’s why I’d rather see those efforts directed in trying to find more partnerships with other protocols.


Thanks for the feedback, @BRONDER. I appreciate your support!

I’ve tuned down on the newsletter because I’ve received similar feedback before.

I believe we have a lot of sleeping V3 & V4 maxis on our email list. It’s a >7x ratio of subscribers of V5 depositors currently. The last newsletters had between 720-950 reads, so it feels worth exploring again. Please bear in mind it’s only 6 editions I’m aiming for, to see how the turnaround will be.

The newsletter alone might not show its effectiveness, although it can be a powerful piece in a content engine. It’s a great tool that can be used to extract different news pieces to expand on them (be it in articles or on social) or multiply the reach for existing content. A newsletter can help non (-regular) Discord users stay up to date with things that happen and is easy to track back from version to version if you’ve been out of the loop or new to the game. It’s also a great sell when engaging in partnerships.

We’re listing a KPI for “at least 3 publicly communicated partnerships”. We have a few in the pipeline but are limited in our execution until the vault fix comes along. You can find some partnerships we can officially talk about can be seen at the bottom of our deliverables list.

Based on feedback and discussions on our first RFC, we had to take out the budget for quests. These were a puzzle piece for a shared campaign with Rainbow and a second project. We’re still hoping to make these happen in Q2, if we can find a common ground.

This doesn’t mean we aren’t engaged in other partnership efforts - we want to ensure we don’t overpromise and fail expectations. We have a few sleeping beasts waiting to come out once the protocol is ready for takeoff.

Again, thanks for taking the time to engage! I hope this context can help to strengthen your support.


This section is amazing, this is a massive step in the right direction. This gives line of sight to what’s being attempted and where applicable what the team would consider a success.

Fantastic jobs by all involved. This has my full support.


Definitely an improvement from before.
I’ll keep it very short.



Given that open sourcing bot code is one of the milestones listed (which I applaud btw), does the team find it feasible to also open source the code for the PoolTime app?

I think having all interfaces listed on the protocol landing page be open sourced would be ideal :3


Thanks for pushing on this. We would like to but not comfortable committing to it as a deliverable for this quarter. I can say it’s more of a stretch goal. The way I am looking at it publishing the API as an open-source and polished product is the 1st step in this process.

While we are here, are you going to publish your bot code too :wink:


That’s totally understandable :slight_smile:

The G9 bots are all open-source, but if you’re referring to the one myself and another dev made a few months ago; that one’s ours hehe

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