Adding Onramping to PoolTogether v4

Hello there! This is my first post on the governance forum, hope all is going to be correct!

I’ve submitted a PT grant to integrate an onramping solution to PoolTogether v4 (tsunami). So far, I wanted to mimic the [Bridge Tokens]/[Help]/[Get Tokens] links under the Deposit window, and probably replace one of these 3 links with the onramping. Right now, [Get tokens] displays Quickswap (on polygon) in a popup, which lets you swap tokens directly within the pooltogether Deposit UI. This is the kind of smooth experience I aim for for the integration of the onramping.

I’ve compared multiple onramping SDKs (transak, moonpay and ramp, details in the next post) based on their fees, worldwide coverage, and SDK features. Following that comparison, I did a POC of the transak integration (see the gif below), and the next steps are now:

  1. chose one onramping SDK
  2. create an account to get an API key - this should probably be done by PoolTogether Inc itself.
  3. and I will integrate these API keys into the chosen SDK and push a PR to v4-tsunami.

Note that the SDK account usually lets you edit the onramping fee (transak charges a given fee, and the integrator could charge another fee on top of that, but I assume PT will chose a zero fee) plus see some aggregate statistics of the usage of the onramping, which is why I think it is best if it is PT inc. itself that requests that account rather than an individual.



Quick fees comparison - links to fees pages:

  • Moonpay has a simple fee structure, it charges a bit more than transak but is easier to read
  • Transak has a nice overview depending on the currencies supported
  • Ramp (see below link, cannot post more than 2 links) seem to offer a simpler fee structure but support less countries
  • Gem redirects to wyre or coinify, wyre is free but only ACH/Debit card allowed, while Coinify allow multiple methods but requires a payment of 2.85$ per KYC


  • Card payment: 3.5% (EUR/GBP), 3.9% + $0.30 (USD via wyre), 5.5% (NON EUR/USD/GBP), min payment of 10USD or 20USD
  • SEPA transfer (EUR): 0.99%
  • Fast transfer (GBP only): 0.99%


  • card payment: 4.5% with a min. fee of €3.99/£3.99/$3.99 or currency equivalent / min payment of 30USD
  • bank transfer: 1% with a min. fee of €3.99/£3.99/$3.99 or currency equivalent


  • Credit and debit card transactions: 2.9%
  • Manual transfer transactions : 0.99% (up to 2500 EUR) / 0.49% (above 2500 EUR)
  • Easy transfer transactions: 1.99% (up to 2500 EUR) / 1.49%(above 2500 EUR)

Looks useful! I like it

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Transak fees:

Moonpay fees:

Ramp fees:

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I really want to see this live! Awesome work, @jochemla!

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Not sure why this isn’t live already, seems like a no-brainer


as far as I understand PoolGrants is already working with @jochemla to make it happen! :100:

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Saw this on the community call last week and was very excited by it. Smoothest onboarding evar!

Just one question, if the user doesnt already have Metamask installed with a pre-setup wallet, what happens then?

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Hey there! If you are indeed connected to the pooltogether UI (tsunami-v4) via metamask (or similar), then your wallet address will be automatically filled out in the onramp form.

If you are not connected to the PT UI - and don’t have metamask - then you can input your ethereum/polygon address on the form and will received your USDC (or chosen tokens) once your payment is processed by transak.

So the user definitely should connect its metamask to the UI to have the address filled out correctly, otherwise some guides could be linked on how to set up metamask.

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love this! that’s really great work with a lot of thought in it already!

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