Sherlock Audit Mitigation Overview

Sherlock Audit Mitigation Overview

The Sherlock audit on the PoolTogether V5 codebase has concluded and you can view the mitigation overview and recommended actions here: Sherlock Audit Mitigation Overview - HackMD

Table of Contents

The following links point to a summary of the issues that pertain to specific groups of protocol participants:

The complete issue list is also available in the report along with references to the official Sherlock Audit Report.

Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns with the audit results or recommended actions, please @ me (trmid) in a comment or message me in discord.

Developer Documentation

The developer documentation for PoolTogether will be updated with the new factory contracts and code references as soon as possible. For immediate information, please see the mitigation overview report linked above.


Thanks for the overview, @trmid!

The Pooltime bots have been updated to account for different claimer contracts. These are whitelisted by adding to constants/address [CHAIN].CLAIMERS[].

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