This proposal will fund the Executive Team for 6 months. The Executive Team will operate according to the structure outlined below.
Executive Team
The Executive Team controls key PoolTogether V4 smart contracts using Gnosis Safes that are deployed across Ethereum, Polygon, and Avalanche. The members and required confirmations for each Safe are identical.
Current Membership
The current executive team members are listed below. You can download a Gnosis Safe Address Book here.
Discord Name | Address |
Gio.eth | 0x1dBFBAeBC6070f14ae8294ab01252B36d962bf4E |
Kames | 0x21E8fFC0108B0cbA465E26cA0a0EA3955475e9b2 |
Aodhgan | 0x3F0556bCA55Bdbb78A9316936067a47fd4C4C4f4 |
Pierrick | 0x4D40eb12430A57965cEe3015348d490C6156dF20 |
underthesea | 0x93146d9978d286EE085ba68eE1786a0b6EDA64EC |
Brendan | 0xA57D294c3a11fB542D524062aE4C5100E0E373Ec |
TheRealTuna | 0xa31c2232842e631cCb2d2E4110B356Bab21E6020 |
Leighton | 0xa5c3A513645A9a00cB561fED40438E9DFE0D6a69 |
Hook | 0xb9a28ce32dcA69AD25E17212bC6D3D753E795aAe |
McOso | 0xd095E0f8C72E22319846b643c4bac0caC1f67006 |
Lonser | 0xe0e7b7C5aE92Fe94D2ae677D81214D6Ad7A11C27 |
Executive Team Responsibilities
The executive team has control over the V4 prize pools across all chains. This is so that we can quickly fix smart contracts and because PT governance does not currently extend to Polygon or Avalanche. The executive team must act in accordance with the wishes of governance. The wishes of governance can be expressed as an explicit order, or as a broader mandate.
Governance Orders
Governance can order the executive team to do anything. Practically, this will largely be adjusting prize distribution and replacing contracts.
For example: the prize distribution was changed recently in PTIP-47: Prize Adjustments. POOL token holders signalled they wished the prize distribution to change, and the executive team followed through on the order.
Governance Mandates
The executive team has several broad mandates from governance, which include:
- Distributing prize liquidity to Prize Distributor contracts
- Taking emergency actions with the smart contracts
The executive team can be proactive here and act unilaterally to fulfill its mandate.
Executive Team Lead & Members
The executive team will appoint a lead that is in charge of ensuring orders are executed and mandates met. Team members will be required to verify and confirm transactions set up by the lead.
Team Lead
The executive team lead’s current responsibilities include:
- Executing explicit governance orders
- Re-balancing prize liquidity
- Requesting more prize liquidity with proposals to governance
- Removing team members
- Distributing compensation
- Ensuring Gnosis Safe wallets are identical across all chains
If a team lead ceases to fulfill their role, then the executive team will need to appoint a new one and (possibly) remove the old one.
Team Members
Team members will do their best to verify and confirm legitimate transactions. The team lead will contact them when their signature is needed.
Managing Membership
It’s very important that team members are available and actively participating, otherwise the executive team will cease to function.
Removing Members
Executive team members may decide to leave, ghost, or misbehave.
- If a member wants to leave, then the lead can remove them from all Safes.
- If a team member has not signed a transaction in two months, then the lead must remove them from all Safes. This is the Ghost Rule.
- If a team member misbehaves, then it is up to the executive team how they wish to handle the situation.
Whenever a member is removed from a Safe, the confirmation level is adjusted to maintain an approximately 2/3 ratio to membership.
Ghost Rule
If a member has not signed a transaction in two months, then they are removed from all Safes. The Ghost Rule should be checked once per month before members are paid out. When the ghost rule is activated the member does not receive compensation for that month and they are removed from the team.
Adding Members
New members of the executive team must be voted in by a governance order. This helps ensure the team doesn’t become a cabal. Confirmations are adjusted to maintain an approximately 2/3 ratio to membership.
To ensure we attract high-quality members, compensation should be robust. It should also be split between POOL tokens and stablecoins, so that the member earns ownership but also has cash to spend.
The Pool Grants committee has based their compensation on a rate of $100 / hour. We will do the same.
I estimate that the team lead will need approximately 30 hours per month to fulfill their duties. Some weeks will be less, others more. Until we have better tooling, the lead will need to navigate explorers to calculate liquidity levels, view member activity to check the Ghost Rule, and potentially construct complex transactions (among other things!).
Team members will need to be available for signing, which can take several steps. In addition, they should take the time to verify the transaction validity (when possible). I would estimate they will need approximately 10 hours per month to fulfill their duties.
Role | Monthly Hours | Monthly Compensation |
Team Lead | 30 | $3000 USD |
Team Member | 4 | $400 USD |
The compensation will be split 50/50 between USDC and POOL, for simplicity.
Compensation is paid once per month after the Ghost Rule is applied. The team lead sets up the payouts. This can be done efficiently using the Gnosis Safe batching mechanism.
The Team Lead will be the person that executes the Gnosis Safe transactions. These transactions can be costly, so the Team Lead should be compensated for gas in either USDC or POOL.
The Executive Team has a Discord channel, a Telegram Group, and we’ve privately exchanged email addresses. We have multiple lines of communication in case one goes down.
When new members are added these channels will be updated to include them.
PTIP Specification
This PTIP will transfer POOL and ScUSDC to the Executive Team Safe on Ethereum:
- 2748 POOL
- $16,800 ScUSDC
Team Costs
Team members are paid $400 USD / month split 50/50 between USDC and POOL. Team lead is paid $3000 USD / month split 50/50 between USDC and POOL.
Role | Monthly Hours | Monthly Comp USDC | Monthly Comp POOL |
Team Lead | 30 | $1500 USDC | 404 POOL |
Team Members (10) | 4 | 10 x $200 USDC | 10 x 54 POOL |
TOTAL | $3500 USDC | 540 POOL |
Gas Costs
For the month of December Exec Team gas costs were about $1100 USD.
Description | Monthly Cost | 6 Month Cost |
USDC comp | $3500 USDC | $21,000 USDC |
POOL comp | 540 POOL | 3240 POOL |
Gas | $1100 USDC | $6600 USDC |
Total Ask: $27,600 USDC and 3240 POOL
- Yes, let’s do it!
- No
0 voters