PT Inc Development Update

If gpool is shelved for now we should consider this (Tuna's POOL Stimulus Plan) as a temporary placeholder until we can get voting to L2’s. L2 is the only place we can be successful and we need to give reason for holding POOL on L2. I have seen some pretty cool ideas around governance on other platforms. At the SuperUman DAO we’ve just successfully set up voting on snapshot via NFT. L2 is where we can be successful and while the product (prize pools) is working great, the POOL token is not working well. Currently if I’m a newcomer and want to get involved I would have to pay $160-200 in gas to get into the POOL pool and pay it again if I ever decide to leave. I can earn some rewards but it would take months to get to break even unless I am a whale. Perhaps we can get the 80+% that don’t vote in POOL pool to migrate over to a vesting pool.

I appreciate all the hard work the dev team is putting in, the USDC prize pool is an amazing product that keeps getting better. Just would like to see some action taken to give POOL some use on L2 and make holding this governance token fun.