My company is launching a phone protection program for the African market. We want to reward our users. The users already paid a premium, for every user who does not make a claim in a day, the premium will be deposited in pool together and they stand a chance to win daily prizes. We wanted to know if private pools are possible. We couldn’t find an email or a contact person so we felt this could be a good way to reach out to you guys.
This sounds exciting!
Would be curious to hear more specifically of what you want? We are currently working on the ability for people to create their own custom pools. But could you tell us more what customizations or features you are looking for?
Welcome @MekaU indeed this is an interesting idea … would love to hear more about PPP proj.
We like to be able chose different yield options and to be able to setup the different prizes. We would use your delegate function, where as we are the ones that will deposit into the pools and delegate the winnings to eligible wallets tied to active policies. Any claim made by the policy holder we would remove the wallet address from our delegate list. This is i the general idea.
We want to use no loss lottery concept as a way of gamification. Everyday no claim is made you are eligible to win prizes. While building our product a question we got multiple times was that, what if i don’t make any claim what happens? Rather than do a 10% discount when you sign up next time or cash back at the end, we felt a daily lottery would be and interesting way to reward those that don’t make any claim.
is this a question from your community members? tagged you Sir on Dc #help