On PTIP participation

goal: get insights from the PTIP category

methdology: I gathered 20 PTIPS posts, that did not display the votes on the snapshot. I copied and pasted each proposal in a dedicated column of a Gsheet, then computed some metrics like number of words, lenght of the proposal.

inspired by

My estimation results suggest that the relationship between proposition complexity and the share of yes-votes follows an inverse U-shape.

and other similar findings, that say participation to referendums have an inverse parabolic relationship with the complexity of the question,I expected to see a similar occurence with one graph about participation, in the context of PoolTogether

Instead, no significant relationship exists. Positive for the community. As the fact votes didn’t decrease for the time frame I considered:

Tableau Link:


It’s a small sample size but it seems like some napkin style assumption are that our longer PTIPs are getting more input - maybe more people reviewing due to complexity. There’s a number of reasons this could be, I’m making a hasty generalization to be sure.

I think the second chart is far more interesting. The general feel is that PTIPs are getting less recognition and action. It seems this might be derived from strictly the on-chain / formal snapshot interaction, as the PTIPs seem to have a pretty level lay of votes about them. A wild assumption being that much of our vocal cohort has votes sitting somewhere that prevents them from being cast; Polygon or uGMI. It will be interesting to see what happens when multi-chain governance unlocks and after the point when uGMI can be converted at the end May.

Neat work mate!

Is this taking into account the snapshot votes?


that did not display the votes on the snapshot.