Will Pool go to Binance Smart Chain

I already proposed a couple of new chains to expand here to keep the first mover advantage & to reduce fees + increase user base. Not sure BSC is the best or only to consider. BSC is definitely not the most DeFi spirit. Just one among other to consider. The more, the better. Most of them have already some staking / LP farming and other options to create prizes/rewards.

  • FTM
  • Solana
  • SCRT
  • BSC
  • CRO

You have even Flare Network coming with DeFi for XRP… Cheap & Fast.

All of the possibilities above have cheaper network fees than ETH, are faster than ETH.

Also what about partnering with more mobile wallets such as ZenGo, MEW and more (already present in Argent Wallet, why not more ?)?