Uniswap V3 Liquidity Mining Rewards

Hey, thx for the update! :slight_smile:
Sad to here but totally understandable, Arrakis works fine but here and there it still feels a bit buggy, e.g. since the POOL price crash it does not display the current price correctly for me.

But nice to hear that the current incentives continue! :slight_smile:

Btw. what is the plan for ETH ?
I am not providing LP on ETH and do not plan to (too much fees) but want to know if you guys think we should extend to ETH or think if it is needed? I know that we have a big POL position thx to your work in PTIP-82 (PTIP 82 - A foundation for protocol owned liquidity) and personally it does not feel like we need much more, just asking out of interest :slight_smile:

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