Team Budget Requests are the quarterly process to apply for team funding from the PoolTogether community. This process is open to team renewals as well as new teams.
Here is the proposed schedule for the Q2-2023 TBRs:
Feb 21 - 28: Council feedback period
March 1 - 10: Post RFCs on Governance Forum
March 1 - 27: Open Feedback Period
March 28: All TBRs on-chain live for voting
If you are planning to request funds for a new team, you are encouraged to present your TBR draft to the PoolTogether Council during the council feedback period.
Please ping @Council in #governance on Discord in case you have questions or need help.
Is this timeline still accurate? It feels like the TBRs were just posted and this timeline says open feedback is already ended. It also feels like there were many more TBRs in Q1-2023, so maybe not all have actually posted to forum yet?
Hey, yeah, the time timeline is a bit out of date.
Next council meeting is Tuesday (at 8 pm UTC I think) and then the last TBRs will be reviewed and after that posted here on the forum.
Still missing is the Growth, Grants and PT Inc. TBR.
True - we’ve been sleeping on our suggested timeline! Part of that is probably due to the timing with PoolyCon - a high number of team members made it to Denver and were involved in the event.
We should learn from that for next time!
Lonser is right, that should be our goal.
The next Council Call is tomorrow at:
LONDON, United Kingdom, England
6:00p Mon, Mar 20 2023
BERLIN, Germany
7:00p Mon, Mar 20 2023
UTC, Coordinated Universal Time
6:00p Mon, Mar 20 2023
EDT/EST, Eastern Daylight Time (US)
2:00p Mon, Mar 20 2023