[RFC] PTBR-2: PoolTogether <> Generation Software Inc

Every quarter the budget increases with less and less explanation of added costs/salaries. What started as a “protocol team” Q4-2022 +Q1-2023 budget to launch Hyperstructure, then shifted to “PT INC team” Q2 to launch Hyperstructure, and now we have a new company with an even bigger budget for Q3 and the same goal for launching V5. In another year when the remainder of treasury has been signed over to your company will the rest of the team be going on a sabbatical since we have nothing left to pay you?

I wish I could stay positive but it’s been a long few years of only the founders/developers getting rich. I am also curious of what became of the $2MM that was raised in the POOLY NFT sale? Is it being held in case the lawsuit escalates? Will those funds become available to the team once that is finally settled or are they already spent?

V5 was targeted for July 2022 in this forum post, and here we are a year later.

Sorry if this post comes across a bit harsh but I think there needs be some accountability when asking for this much money as well as a clear plan on how what’s being built will benefit all members of the community (both depositors and token holders).