Big THX creating this great overview!
That we need to drastically decrease treasury spending is obvious I think.
Regarding Grants Team, I can already say that I don’t plan to propose a Grants PTBR Q1. I will try to write a longer post regarding that in the future and/or explain it on the council call. Short Reasoning is that I think it did fund a lot of great things and was needed in the past but going forward and considering treasury we don’t need it anymore. All unused funds will ofc go back to treasury and I plan to contribute to the Community through PoolTime and as a general Community member ofc!
The highest Team Generation Software also already announced that they plan to reduce funding ask next Quarter. How much that will be is not concrete yet through asfaik.
I personally would like to see PoolTogether be sustainable funded for the next years to come. Also launching V5 on ETH and depositing the stable coin funds that are currently on V4 on V5.
That way there would be a contious buyback of POOL that would benefit all depositors through bigger prizes.
Maybe also allocating some small amounts to other stable coins and Prize Vaults to come like OUSD or GloDollar through a partnership for mutual benefit if possible.
Also I wanna highlight and congratulate @TheRealTuna for the great proposal in the past to convert some stable coins to ETH.
That one paid off and increased the total treasury by a bit, also funding public goods through the steth pool!
Answering the question from RichCL, the source of the Tables are the PTBRs from last Quarter