Proposing a PoolTogether Bounties Team

I’m excited for the future of PoolTogether.

PoolTogether has a very strong foundation: brand, community, product and engineering.

As someone who entered the Web3 space via Bounties (Gitcoin 3+ years ago) I know first hand how important an invitation to work on a problem can be. A bounty is also how I started working for PoolTogether - I responded to a Twitter Bounty to prototype a Pods smart contract.

Long-story short I’ve been working on a new proposal for a PoolTogether Bounties Team.

The proposal will be submitted to the Grants Program.

The team will be focused on scaling protocol contributions through a steamlined bounties process.

Using the Grants Submission form I’ve created an outline for what a PoolTogether Bounties Team could look like. Would love feedback from everyone.

Project TL;DR

PoolTogether Bounties is an initiative to better coordinate PoolTogether Users, DAO and Inc.

Aiming to create a space for everyone to share ideas and contribute the protocol.

Users and Community Members gain a transparent process for how go from idea to product.

Governance and Core Contributors gain a communication channel to express product specifications and potential growth opportunities.

Everyone from Users to Architects will have a space to contribute.

Difference Between Grants Team & Bounties Team

The PoolTogether Bounties Program is a space for streamlined contributions. Bounties, compared to Grants, is a more fluid process. Creating a space for a range of tasks, bounties and projects that don’t meet the Grants requirements. Bounties and Grants teams have similar motives, but occupy different parts of the decentralized autonomous organization stack.

Grants: Funding medium/large projects via inbound requests

Bounties: Funding small/medium tasks and bounties via outbound requests.

Applying for a grant can be an intimidating process. And not a process everyone is familiar with. For many people applying for Grant is often out of scope or just too daunting of an experience.

Finding bounties that match your skills is an exciting experience. Through the bounties program you’ll be able to find tasks that match your skill and commitment levels.

The Bounties Team is focused on small, believable and achievable tasks for everyone.

The Grants team is focused on high-impact and more detailed project proposals.

Together they create space for contributors of all types.

Funding Needed (in USD)

2022 Season 2 Budget Request: $25,000

$15,000 will be applied to bounties funding.

$10,000 will be applied to chance delegation for contribution incentives.

Value Proposition

PoolTogether is opening space for everyone to contribute.

Ideas. Feedback. Suggestions. Posts. Design. Code. Partnerships. All of it.

Bounties should be a canvas for all Users and Contributors of PoolTogether.

A space to go from idea to product.

Project Details

The Bounties Project is split into 2 working groups: Team and Stewards.

Team members are responsible for day-to-day management of Bounties: publishing/closing bounties, handling payouts/disputes and integrating complete projects into the PoolTogether ecosystem. Team members must regularly attend meetings, respond to time-sensitive communications and be accountable for the Bounties program successes/failures.

Team members are given a formal position in the PoolTogether ecosystem.

Bounties Team

The POOL Bounties Team will be responsible for managing the bounties program:

  • Ensure that the PoolTogether community has a space to express needs
  • Triage the community’s needs and articulate them as Bounties
  • Promote Bounties and grow contributor engagement
  • Engage with contributors to complete Bounties
  • Manage the Bounties purse and budget

Steward Roundtable

Stewards contribute to the Bounties by offering feedback, helping curate ideas and getting involved when needed. Stewards have no official responsibilities and may enter/exit freely.

Stewards assist with the Bounties program and are included in high-level bounties conversations.

Bounties Constitution

  1. The Bounties Team will be responsible for leading bounties related conversations across all channels.

  2. The Bounties Team will be responsible for actively reviewing upvoted feature requests and bounty ideas.

  3. The Bounties Team will be responsible for publishing bounties to external communication channels.

  4. The Bounties Team will be responsible for managing both the completion and closing of bounties

  5. The Bounties Team will be responsible for managing a Team Safe and distributing bounty payouts.


  • Bounties Team Framework & Procedures
  • Season #1 PoolTogether Bounties
  • Payout First Bounty


  • $15,000 to Bounties (estimated bounty split)
    • $8,500 to Code Bounties
    • $4,500 to Design Bounties
    • $2,000 to Content Bounties
  • $10,000 to Chance Delegation (Bonus Rewards)
    • Good Bounty Ideas
    • Fast Bounty Turn-Around
    • Outstanding Performance


Excited to help scale a bounties program so contributions to the protocol become more accessible.

In the coming days will post a few more document outlining the tools, resources and guides I’ve drafted for the first season of the PoolTogether Bounties Program.

Would love feedback, critiques and thoughts from the Community.

Should PoolTogether have a Bounties Team/Program?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

0 voters


I am very excited for the POOL bounties team and the new possibilities this will open up for contributors.

It will help to

  • Grow the protocol beyond expectations
  • Involve even more contributors
  • Align the needs & wants of the community, PoolTogether’s users and PTInc
  • Educate contributors on project excellence from start to finish
  • Close gaps in expertise & match ideas with skillsets

This is a great step towards further decentralization and community ownership. Let’s grow!


Wen Poll?

I want to vote yes. :smirk: