PoolTogether DAO Part III: Next Steps

Over the last two months the “interim Council”, a group of senior contributors, has been working hard to establish a new way of working together: one that streamlines contributor onboarding and coordination. You can read more about it in Part I: The New DAO and Part 2: Team Compensation.

In short, we’ve:

  1. Established a clear definition for contributing “Teams”: they are self-managed, and have certain reporting and participation requirements.
  2. Standardized budgeting through a Team Budget Request process.
  3. Defined the “Council” as a group consisting of at least one member of active Teams. Essentially all Team members can be part of the Council, and each Team must have at least one member on the Council.

The current interim Council is made of up the leaders and members of the current teams. Over the past few weeks we’ve been working on the initial set of Team Budget Requests for Q4 2022 that fit the current contributing groups within the new conventions. We’re almost ready to present them.

Here are the next steps:

Date Event
Oct 4th The interim Council will post drafts of our Q4 2022 Team Budget Requests to the governance forums. We’ll also publish the Team Budget Request template so that others can follow suit if they wish to create a team.
Oct 11th There will be a Council meeting at 11:00am GMT-7 where any new Teams can meet with the Council to get feedback on their TBRs
Oct 14th Deadline for members of the interim Council to finalize their TBRs. Ideally any new Teams will follow suit.
Oct 18th TBRs are created as individual on-chain proposals. The community votes!

Next week @Leighton will also be presenting some important legal information.

Stay tuned!