Grants Lead Position Proposals

Update: 5/1/21 - The goal is to determine the Lead position by Thursday 5/6/21. If interested, please submit your proposal here.

Please use this thread to pitch yourself for the Community Grants Committee Lead position.



I would like to apply for the role as lead of the Grants Committee. If someone else becomes lead, I would like to apply as reviewer.

Describe your involvement in the PoolTogether ecosystem:
I joined the PoolTogether community in October 2020, just as v3 launched. Since then, I have been one of the most active users of the Discord, where I have answered the questions of hundreds of users. I have always been very involved in discussions on the governance forum, as evidenced by the user statistics, PoolTogether where only @Leighton has me beat in number of likes received on posts.
I am currently one of the top POOL delegates, having earned the trust of 23 token holders.

What skills/experience do you bring to the committee?

I have a background in Computer Science with a focus on Cybersecurity. I am currently writing a paper on DeFi Oracles, where I’m analyzing the risks that lending protocols like Compound are exposed to with regards to Oracle manipulation.
I know how everything in and around Pooltogether works, including the inner workings of the smart contracts.
I have been in crypto since 2017 and learned about DeFi in August 2020.
Ever since, I eat, sleep and breathe DeFi. I spend every free minute learning more about it.

Can you commit ~10 hours a week as a reviewer or ~30 hours a week as a lead?
I can easily commit 15 hours every week. If there are some weeks with 30h of work every now and then, I can put more time in. I expect there to be a base level of work, and then big spikes when new grants come in. I don’t think the time required will be a problem.


hi all!

I’d like to throw my hat into the ring for lead position. I think most of you know me, @McOso @Taliskye and I wrote the proposal together for the grants committee.

I’m a 34 year old guy with a wife, kids, house, and an evangelist for all things decentralized!! An average crypto joe, just like y’all.

I’ve been managing the Education & Support Swim Team, simply because I volunteered on a Swim Meet call! That’s what I love about the DAO structure, every user is as enabled as the next. That’s what I want this program to be always focused on… enabling users.

I think I’ve done a fairly good job as a community leader up until now, and I’d say one of the most capable community members to bring this proposal to PTIP and ultimate approval.

But hey, you guys know me so I’d love any feedback and please feel free to message me directly if you’d like to chat.

Education & Support team - Education and Support Team - PoolTogether Swim Meet Community


Sorry, didn’t address availability.

The main reason I decided to run for the lead role (which I didn’t anticipate doing) is because there didn’t seem to be anyone wanting to do it and able to for 30 hours weekly.

I left my corporate position in February officially, really more like March of last year. I’ve had a ton of successes in defi space, but more than anything lately I need a single outlet to focus my efforts on.

This would be my largest time commitment on a weekly basis. We should want that kind of commitment from a committee lead IMO, whether that’s me or not. :grinning:


I am convinced that you would represent a really good fit for the grants program lead. You have proven your interest in PT for quite some time now and bring a good mix of skill sets. You worked on an own layer on top of PT (kokoon), received mixed feedback and showed very professional and rational behavior when experiencing denial. Being sensible is a key skill to my mind to not dis-encourage grant applications as every submission is a clear expression of commitment. With your tech background you also have the required credibility when speaking in front of technical guys e.g. on hackathons.


I’m very supportive of both you (@blakeburrito) and @Torgin leading in this role. I think you guys being the lead for the grants committee as a project could do well for the PoolTogether community.

As I am a 100% volunteer, I am able to commit time as needed and would be happy to help mentor and guide anyone in this role as needed. Personally, the time commitment, responsibilities and the incentives do not currently align with my own desires. Therefore, I will not be applying to any position based on this current proposal.

With that in mind, that does not preclude me from continuing to work with all of you and supporting the PoolTogether community as a whole. In addition, I look forward to seeing if there are any additional applicants that would like to put their proposal into this thread.

I’m here to help!


While @blakeburrito and @Torgin are both great candidates for this position, I would like to support @Torgin as the lead.


Today is the deadline and we have two great candidates. Since the Lead role will have more of a proactive responsibility, marketing and outreach, we have discussed a split in the Lead role between @Torgin and @blakeburrito. Each will share the responsibilities of the Lead role but one has more of a focus on the outbound duties and the other’s focus is with in inbound duties. The 30 hour max per week will be a cumulative cap between these two.

How do people feel about this?


I think this is a good idea. I support a co lead


That sounds great, was torn between 2 great options and that makes it much easier!

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I think that’s a great compromise and we get 2 great leads for the price of 1 :wink:

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here’s a post for reviewers to apply :slight_smile:

thank you all for the support btw!

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