RFC: PoolTogether Seasons

Great idea! Love it.

  1. Rather than “seasons” I think it would be clearer to use common language like “quarters”. Seasons is vague, IMO

Personally like Seasons. It’s a more inviting way to think about DAO activities.

The most important thing in a season is alignment across objectives and initiatives, then having all groups working to achieve those objectives and initiatives…we can even unlock extra compensation if objectives are reached…

This should be top priority IMO. Season Themes that help guide working group activities.

  • It’s exceedingly difficult to organize and collaborate in groups of more than 7 to 10, not impossible, just difficult. Synchronous work teeters on the edge of impossible.

This is a big problem. And something that I personally think would be great a first challenge to overcome. Scaling working group communication and coordination.

Personally I think the best way to overcome these coordination problems is clearly defined and reasoned about Objectives, Key Results and Northstars. We can skimp out on smaller conversations and regular check-ins across groups if. we are able to realign ourselves each season.

This allows Working Groups to create high-level roadmaps for themselves. Hopefully aligning with other working groups via a shared Season Theme (objectives, keys results and northsars).

  • Timing and goal setting becomes strange because crypto moves so fast, but so many are building part-time and have IRL things to maintain that get (rightfully so) in the way.

IMO yes and no. The hype cycles move fast. But the process for building quality products stays the same.

  • The GC can spend one week at the end of each season to evaluate each project and suggest suitable renumeration for the next season based on KPI fulfilment.
  • An independent Project Lifecycle Management (PLM) Team can work with each WG with a monthly meeting to help each WG evaluate their progress and address roadblocks. The PLM team can report back to the GC on the progress of each WG/project

<3 this. A few basic procedures and people with designated responsibilities would probably go a long way in helping organize the effectiveness of seasons.

@Tjark you have my votes sir :crossed_swords:

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