RFC: Partner with Giveth to distribute Charity Vault Rewards

RFC: Partner with Giveth to distribute Charity Vault Rewards

Hello pool people!

My name is Mitch and I am a Product Manager at Giveth

I’m following up on our discussion from the CC last Thursday, December 6 2024. I was invited by @tim to propose partnering up with Giveth to facilitate the distribution of the rewards generated by the Aave USDC Charity Vault.

If you’re not familiar with Giveth

We are a crypto donation platform that has been supporting public goods and non-profits since 2016.

Our team has facilitated over $4M in funding to projects big or small that are making a difference in areas such as climate change, disaster relief, social crisis and open-source development. Our founder Griff Green is one of the O est of Gs in the crypto space.

Our platform allows anyone to create a project and start accepting crypto funding for their cause in minutes. Donations are peer to peer and Giveth doesn’t take any fees from donors or project owners.

Yes we have a token :sweat_smile:

The GIV token was launched in 2021 and is raffled off bi-weekly to those who donated to eligible projects, this is known as the GIVbacks program. Eligible donations earn you “raffle” entries, the more you donate, the higher the odds you have of winning the raffle, which can be up to 500k GIV tokens ($4k) every 2 weeks.

GIV tokens can be used by anyone to curate projects and “boost” them using a mechanic called GIVpower. Projects with more GIVpower subsequently yield more raffle entries to their donors and are promoted higher among the list of projects seeking funding.

Giveth currently operates on 11 chains, including:

  • Ethereum
  • Base
  • Optimism
  • Arbitrum
  • Gnosis Chain
  • Polygon
  • Celo
  • Polygon zkEVM
  • Solana
  • Stellar
  • Ethereum Classic

But wait, there’s more! :hot_face:

In addition we also operate Gitcoin-style Quadratic Funding Rounds. We’ve hosted 10 QF rounds so far, distributing $373k in matching funds to hundreds of projects.

The Proposal

I would propose to redirect the fee revenue coming from the current charity vault to go to the Giveth Matching Pool which is distributed to a wide array of public goods and non-profits as matching funds from QF rounds. This would be the first step of hopefully a more robust integration with PT.

In return contributions from the charity vault to the matching pool will become eligible for our GIVbacks raffle, potentially earning a boat load of GIV which can be utilized by the PT community as it sees fit.

In addition, Giveth will gift 5 Givers NFTs from our limited collection to the PT community to be distributed as they see fit. NFT holders have the ability to choose their favourite public goods projects to be added into select “Givers-nominated” QF rounds.

We think this is a great opportunity to build a strong partnership with PoolTogether and kick-start a fruitful collab on building “lossless giving” and new public goods Legos!

As a disclaimer, When Giveth operates a QF round we take a 15% fee that covers Giveth’s operational costs as well as the sybil analysis work done at the end of each round.

Some other stuff we could do :point_down:

I understand that PT is looking at what to do with Governance and Treasury for the future.

Other ideas we could explore now or later could include facilitating a token swap and LP, creating economic bonds for both our communities. We’ve done this with many other communities such as Optimism, Gnosis, Polygon and ShapeShift.

We’d also like to explore ways that we could give przPOOL and POOL holders influence over where to direct funding, letting them have a say in which project receives the fee yield for a given time period.

Lastly and very excitingly, we also offer the opportunity for protocols to contract Giveth as a KOL marketer for their project. The twist is that 85% of the KOL fee actually goes into sponsoring a QF round, so instead of paying a morally questionable twitter account, you are supporting public goods with potentially hundreds of regen projects giving you brand exposure across multiple platforms.

We have a slide deck here if you’re interested in co-marketing with Giveth.

Temp Check :thermometer:

Which of these excite you? :ballot_box: (choose as many as you like)

  • Change Charity Vault Fee Yield Recipient to Giveth QF Matching Pool
  • Create LP pool with GIV/POOL (Amount TBD)
  • Explore ways for depositors to vote for the charity to receive the fees
  • Sponsor a Giveth QF Round through Giveth Co-Marketing
0 voters
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Ideally, I think the individual depositor should be able to choose where their funds go out of a basket of choices. That’s super exciting to me.

Thanks so much for this proposal, @mitch!


I love this idea! We had a product we worked on for a bit called GIVdowments, very similar but without the prize pools on top. We ended up shelving it for taking up other projects at Giveth.

Would you be open to exploring that as a second step? I think more effort would be needed to explore the scope of work and we would likely need to request a budget from PT to work on it.

Hey @mitch - thanks for joining last Thursday and for getting a first rfc out so quickly.

I like your initial ideas but would love if we could figure out a way to “extend” the current product, instead of just redirecting the current donation.

The PoolTogether protocol has two great mechanics which both could be leveraged in some way.

  • Delegations: Users can delegate their winning chances to other wallets
  • Vault Fees: A portion of a vault’s yield can be redirected to an address, as seen on winETH.org

On key phrase PoolTogether plays around with a lot is “no loss”. We previously had “No Loss Donation” campaigns, it could be fun to turn these into its own interface.

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Hey @mitch! Thanks again for reaching out with ideas. It was great chatting with you on the community call today! I’m following up here as discussed.

I think combining our strengths benefits everyone the most: PoolTogether is great for funding, and Giveth is great for distribution. Both protocols are seeking higher volume; whether the funding is used for donations or prizes.

I really like what we discussed on the call:

  1. PT spins up Giveth-branded vaults for ETH and USDC (or just start with one). Maybe givETH & givUSDC? I like that :slight_smile: These vaults could send most of the yield to Giveth (i.e. 90% to Giveth and 10% for prizes). The vault ownership would be transferred to Giveth so you can pull the yield out (and change the percentage if you like)
  2. PT lists the vaults on our interfaces
  3. Giveth links to the vaults on the website and promotes the vaults as a new way to donate
  4. Once the round is over, if the vault won the raffle the GIV can be retroactively distributed to the vault depositors using our rewards system.

While this approach requires a little work from both parties, I think it leverages our strengths:

  1. PoolTogether serves as a no-loss funding platform.
  2. Giveth can offer their users a new way to contribute

Users of Giveth are primarily there to donate to good causes, so promoting this new funding technique on Giveth meets them where they are.

Additionally, once the permissionless POOL emissions are live the Giveth vault will be eligible for POOL tokens. We could also explore doing some POOL incentives beforehand, though we’d need to coordinate more on that.


Thank you both for your insightful comments @Brendan @Tjark

Based on your comments above I would like to offer this alternative as part of my first partnership proposal.

Revised Proposal Items :mailbox_with_mail:

  1. PoolTogether would assist in the setup of a Giveth USDC PT Vault that similar to the existing Charity Vault would leverage a fee on the yield of deposits. This fee would be donated to the Giveth Matching Pool. Giveth would provide the parameters with which to setup the vault.
  2. PoolTogether will whitelist the GIV token on Optimism in the Cabana UI
  3. Any $GIV winnings in the GIVbacks raffle that donations from the Giveth Vault receive will be distributed retroactively to depositers using the Cabana rewards app by the Giveth team.
  4. Giveth will create a front-end component that links to the Giveth vault on Cabana, providing a way for users to find the Giveth vault and make no-loss donations (and maybe win some prizes) using PoolTogether’s Vault. The PT logo will be clearly visible on this component.
  5. Once the above steps are complete Giveth will plan and engage PoolTogther with some cross-promotion initiatives such as social media posts, Giveth Blog posts, Monthly Newsletter mentions and a Twitter Space with members of the PT team.

Not In Scope for this proposal (but maybe later) :thinking:

  • Distribute Givers NFTs
  • Depositors delegating their prize winnings to a project on Giveth
  • Integration of Giveth Vaults directly into Giveth UI/UX
  • GIV/POOL Liquidity

I’ll leave this open for feedback, questions and comments! I left also short poll below to understand the vibes on what you all think of this updated proposal. :point_down:

Temp check

  • Yes! Let’s do it!
  • No, I have comments and/or concerns
0 voters

Happy New Year! I hope you enjoyed a good time with family or friends during the festive season if you are celebrating.

Thanks for revising the proposal. I’m very much on board with this. One thing worth re-considering is what asset and chain we’d go for. There is a charity vault on Optimism that uses USDC. Not sure if a second one on the same chain will work as well.
I see a big opportunity in using a different asset or deploying it on Base instead of Optimism.


I think that’s a great idea! I’m very open to using another asset such as ETH/cbETH or even cbBTC (on Base)

You all are the experts and so I would lean heavily on whatever you advise to get the best results on the pool.

One detail is that GIV is on Optimism so the retro depositor rewards would go out on Optimism while the pool itself could be on Base

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