PoolGrants Season 3 committee applications

I would like to apply for the role of Deputy Lead

I have experience in requesting and receiving grants. Both successful applications as with the PT Community Substack Grants for Q4 2021 and Q1 2022 plus an unsuccessful bid for UK based PR.

This has allowed me to understand what may and may not work in terms of communication with grantees. I also hope to be able to bring in my experience in researching many different cryptos as well as my involvement with the PT Marketing Working Group to help understand which Grants could be the most beneficial for PT as a whole.

As Deputy Lead, I can also take on the role of connecting with grantees and organising things as I did in the early days of setting up both the PT Marketing Working Group and of course the PT Community Substack.

I have a good connection with most of the community plus as mentioned the experience both positive and where things can be improved and hope to be able to contribute if chosen.