Thanks for that @Brendan, very helpful. I took a spin through the workbook to try and derive the total pool owed to those missed, from my current work it looks like just under 60k POOL will need to be distributed:
I encountered 5 different groups, can a developer check this over to ensure I’m looking at this correctly? It appears that some of the “missing wallets” weren’t missing, others were missing but not in either of the missing lists, and some wallets received partial distributions of POOL (both in and out of the missing lists):
- Highlighted in Purple: These wallets were identified as missing but do not appear to be
- Highlighted in Dark Green: These are the missing wallets that need a full distribution
- Highlighted in Light Green: Missing wallets that need a partial distribution
- Highlighted in Yellow: Wallets not identified as missing but require a partial distribution
- Highlighted in Red: Wallets not identified as missing but require a full distribution
A brief summary of my approach:
- I created a new sheet as a Copy of “retro-query-fork” and performed the following
- Columns A and B: AND and OR function on Column C and D to make sure everything makes sense.
- Columns C and D: MATCH on the missing address lists to pull out what addresses need to be reimbursed (in theory).
- Column G: Brought over the disbursed amount from “retro-query”
- Column H: Compared the amount actually disbursed to the amount that should’ve been disbursed
- Highlighted the five groups mentioned
- Column J: Brief comment to summarize thoughts
- Column K: The amount needed to disburse.