Incentivize the POOL/ETH LPs

If we commit to LP rewards on SushiSwap (not Uniswap / V3) there is no foreseeable conflict.

If this were a CEX the “brand name” would matter a lot more, but these are two trusted and mostly comparable DEXes. Let’s just go with SushiSwap. Also we’re narrowing it to a one-month run for this initial proposal.

I think if things stay as they are, we should incentivize the Uniswap pool.
Uniswap has a lot more active users than Sushiswap.

As you can see, POOL/ETH on the 2 exchanges currently have similar liquidity, but Uniswap has 3.5x the volume.

In general, Uniswap has about 3x more volume on most pairs. I think more people are used to trading on Uniswap than Sushiswap.

The big question is what happens next week with V3. I think when V3 comes, many people will continue to use V2. Incentivizing LPs on V3 will be difficult to do because the LP tokens will be NFTs. If people hop off V2, we will need to move to Sushi.

I would say let’s try 300 POOL/day for 1 month.

Due to the 1 week voting period on governance proposals, we will need to evaluate and get another on-chain proposal ready 3 weeks after the launch of the incentives, if we want to seemlessly continue the rewards once the first ones end.

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That’s a great point re: volume.

I support 300 POOL/day for one month on Uniswap V2. We can evaluate liquidity and community sentiment on a weekly basis and decide at the end of week three what we want to do.

Yeah I think Uniswap pool makes sense as well.
@Torgin @Leighton does this need to go through a vote?

I just created a proposal: PTIP-10: Incentivize Uniswap LP token Pool with POOL rewards

I am unsure of the faucet structure in the technical specification. I lifted what I could from the Badger proposal. Happy to amend PTIP-10 as needed.

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thank you, appreciate that!

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Thanks for writing this up! If you need any help guiding it to a full proposal. Feel free to ping. I’m sure there are delegates that would be willing to put it up.