TBR-Q4-2022 - PoolTogether Inc Prize Team

Team Name PoolTogether Inc Prize Team
Quarter and Year Q4 2022
Payout Address 0x1234
Total USD Value Requested ~$19,000 USD


The prize team grows the protocol by monitoring and implementing changes to distribution of prizes.

Example duties: sharing a roadmap for prize growth, adjusting prizes, optimizing prize distribution to create the best user experience.


  • Create more excitement around prizes being awarded
    • Increase headline prize size over $1,000 per day
    • Transition to weekly prizes & launch prize show
    • Increase number of unique winners per day (current ~400)
    • Launch at least 1 non-USDC prize campaign
  • Build analytics dashboard analyzing how any changes to prize distribution impacts protocol usage
    • Drive effective prize APR at scale (current 3.5%)
  • Conduct interviews with depositors understanding their desires
  • Conduct surveys informing satisfaction with prize distribution
  • Gather outside research and experts on ideal prize distributions
  • Monitor prize subsidy and seek long term prize sustainability
    • Prove out relationship between prize APR and deposit growth


  • $15,720 in stables
  • 3,451 POOL tokens
  • There is currently ~$180,000 USDC in reserves, therefore, no new prize subsidy is needed for Q4.

Requested Amount

Amount Token
15,720 USDC
3451 POOL

Team Members

Role Yearly USD Compensation Commitment Percentage Quarterly USDC Quarterly POOL Contributor
Team Lead NA* NA NA NA Leighton (interim)
Analytics NA NA NA NA Ncookie
Analysts $102,000 25% $5,240 1151 Bronder
Analysts $102,000 25% $5,240 1151 Underthesea
Product NA NA NA NA Dylan
Research and design $102,000 25% $5,240 1151 Open

*NA: people working full time for PoolTogether Inc. are getting compensated through the company but not for this role through this team.

Team Expenses



Token Pricing

Token USD

| USDC | $1 |
| POOL | 0.98 |


I would like to be considered for this Role Titled “Research & Design”. Assuming my skill sets are a fit and or I can learn to fill in any gaps quickly.

What are my next steps?

Thank you