- With Pooltogether grants program renewal vote to bring me into the fold, the Grants Committee has brought me into their discord and weekly meeting for this week
- In early July Blake and I discussed a few things about the grants committee that I felt should be targeted as the committee continued - in this discussion Blake informed me of these time recording issues, etc. but played it political and did not disclose anything other than he was the one causing the issue (from what I recall anyways)
- The call I attended this week was my first, I arrived just over 20 minutes late as I had the wrong time zone on the meeting when I made it in my calendar, I arrived near the end of the committee’s discussion around this drama
- I abstain from this vote as it directly effects me, as I’ve tried to do with prior PTIPs which would result in some form of payment to me. Should this go to a governance vote, I will vote with majority on this PTIP and Snapshot should my votes be needed
My Observations:
- Everyone is civil in the meeting, and operations do not appear to be affected in a significant way this week. There weren’t a large number of applications to review this week, however, 1/3 or so of the meeting was burned discussing this, and the meeting did exceed an hour in time (barely).
- From what I briefly heard (due to my tardiness) it sounds like some members are unwilling to budge on their stance to find a middle and the hours reduction was the closest thing to a middle ground - even that wasn’t formal voted internally.
- As Andy has stated 4/6 members have taken a position on this matter, as Blake stated Torgin, Gabor, and Andy have made their views known. McOso and Praneeth were not in attendance of the meeting yesterday so I do not know their views.
- The PTIP appeared to be an active draft for the committee but posting became rushed for one reason or another. It wasn’t clear if it was this issue alone or other additional items that got in the way of posting timely. But it was decided to post at meeting close.
My Stance:
- As the new guy in the committee, I will not make a formal position on individuals; Blake continuing as lead until I see more, Gabor assuming a lead role, thoughts on Andy, Torgin, MsOso, Praneeth in their roles. If absolutely necessary, I will make a formal stance on individuals but feel I do not have enough to go off of other than time sheet records.
- My informal position, if 4/6 within the committee determine a role of an individual should be changed, this actually means 4/5. The individual in question should have an opinion and can have discussions, but to vote on their own position is inherently biased. So, if 4/5 are in favor of a move, this move should happen.
- I do have a concern that the 4/5 is missing a member due to being less active in the day-to-day operations than others so their opinion may not be recorded.