Prize Adjustment #2

Let me be the savior here, it all depends on how you interpret the data. :wink:

Focusing on draw 95 because that’s the one that @underthesea picked.

There are 457 wallets that win a single $1 prize:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prizes WHERE draw_id=95 AND claimable_prizes='{99999999921875}';

There are 288 wallets that win two $1 prizes:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prizes WHERE draw_id=95 AND claimable_prizes='{99999999921875,99999999921875}';

There are 264 wallets that win one $1 prize, combined with another prize:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prizes WHERE draw_id=95 AND 99999999921875=ANY(claimable_prizes) AND claimable_prizes!='{99999999921875}' AND claimable_prizes!='{99999999921875,99999999921875}';

There are 334 wallets that win one or more prizes which are not $1 prizes:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prizes WHERE draw_id=95 AND NOT (99999999921875 = ANY(claimable_prizes)) AND claimable_prizes!='{}';

There are, in total, 1343 wallets winning one or two prizes:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prizes WHERE draw_id=95 AND claimable_prizes!='{}';

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The two top queries are people that would not have won any prize if $1 prizes were to be eliminated, which amounts to 745 wallets. The two middle queries show there are 598 wallets that would have won a prize regardless of $1 prizes existing or not. In total, this means there are 1343 wallets winning a prize (as shown in the last query).

Note that there is a small discrepancy with the data shown here which highlights only 1326 winners because that analysis takes duplicate wallets over multiple networks into account, but that’s too complicated for simple queries.

We can of course still debate about how many of those wallets are unique users, but it is definitely safe to say that eliminating $1 prizes would result in only around half of the wallets winning a prize (assuming draw 95 is an average draw, which it seems to be).