Pooltogether grants program renewal

This wasn’t fun to write and it won’t be fun to read but I have to say something that’s made me uncomfortable for some time in PoolGrants.

I do not feel comfortable having @blakeburrito continue as a team lead on the grants committee. I believe there is some shared sentiment to a degree but I do not wish to speak for others.

Blake has done a lot of work for PoolGrants and I am not going to discredit that. However the main points that have bothered me and have raised red flags early on for me are:

  • Hours logged on notion page do not seem to match work/participation activity on our discord (PoolGrants)
  • Hours left blank at increments of 2,3,5 or more and then filled in 1-2 weeks later
  • Lack of communication on project follow ups
  • Missed weekly meetings without a prior notice on several occasions
  • Seemingly inefficient use of time when working
  • I did not feel confident signing our hour payouts and will not for next week either

Take a look at ALL our committee members hours yourselves please, as well as blakes in particular here
(picture below is this month)

I have raised these concerns often and there have been some slight improvements on time logging but the activity still does not match the hours logged in my opinion. When raised the first few times on hours and accountability blake preferred to brush off the topic and move onto other matters, or simply not be present to discuss these problems. One of the main red flags to me was when we created a time tracking policy to try and get a standard (yet only had to create & enforce due to him) Please read the comments on that article to see they date back to 06/24/21

There was almost a form of arbitration being used where Blake insisted repeatedly that any change to policy would require a 6 of 6 majority agreement to be made official. It does not make any sense as the multisig to move funds of large amounts is based on a 4 of 6 trust. Having 6 of 6 be required would allow any individual to block progress on an idea or process they do not personally agree with… This also hindered having accountability as we didn’t have an “official policy” in place to enforce.

Some of these concerns were voiced in a call to have blake step down from a lead position to allow another member to attempt it during our pilot program (not myself, I am not interested in being a lead currently) but continue to be a reviewer. This was brushed off as well.


I strongly believe in a merit based incentive program which crypto is trying to achieve. To me the amount of work presented does not match the involvement it should require. Please do not take this as a personal attack. I posted this on my own behalf and I’m sure other members might not enjoy the problems this post might create either :sweat_smile:

Besides this I am in favor of all other parts of this PTIP :eyes: