POOL incentive Adjustments

Okay, I’ve read through this 3 times and thought about this for a few days.

Overall, I’m mostly aligned with @RegisIsland:

  1. We definitely don’t want to reduce USDC pool, I agree this is the flagship
  2. Not totally for the DAI drip decrease due to bias and for what drcpu said, but I am intrigued by experimenting with pPOOL drip to such a large pool
  3. I think pPOOL drip across the board is a terrible idea as well for the reasons outlined by RegisIsland.

Some of my own thoughts:

  1. An additional issue with pPOOL drip to everything, is that whales/farmers don’t regularly participate in governance. This would make reaching quorum increasingly more difficult as time goes on in the POOL pool
  2. According to Sybil if we look at wallets greater than 1,000 delegated (those I would consider significantly invested - admittedly arbitrary) and less than 100,000 (those that could pass/fail a proposal in one swoop) there’s only 182,811 POOL, some of these are regular voters, some are not. If we become dependent on regular governance we’ll be in a similar pickle - forced centralized voting as quorum from small holders cannot be reached and 100k votes cannot be passed by the delegates.
  3. We need to remember that the POOL pool drip of 200 is a trial, this may decrease in the future so we may have additional POOL to play with for drips in the future. Do with this what you want.
  4. The original POOL drip for the LPing was 300 in PTIP-10, as a community we decided to pump it up to 500 and potentially re-evaluate in the future. I think that time is now and lowering the UNI LP drip seems accidentally in the plan
  5. Sushi is already dripping SUSHI on the LPing, do we really need to add more to it? Uniswap seems to be the main location for our action so I think we should keep it all at Uniswap.

I’m not going to throw any other numbers in the mix, if it lands near what Regis outlined it has my votes. I think after this reallocation of drips occurs, we as a community should develop a more long-term adjustment cycle. Like Regis said we’re still the new kids on the block, we have to prove out the protocol and get to $1 billi TVL before we drop anything crazy.

@Hook I think another post is needed sometime in the near future to explore the idea of “participation mining”, this is exactly something PoolTogether needs and was an unspoken under-current for the Swim Teams that we couldn’t quite actualize. With how active our community is, this would really bring us all to the next level.